Below is a list of the invited lectures and conference presentations Hedde Zeijlstra has given after his PhD (together with his co-authors). As there might be elaborated versions of the talk in paper form, handouts are not posted, but some recent slides can be downloaded. Again, fill in the contact form if you'd like a copy of the handouts or slides.
With Prarthanaa Bharadwaj, Alina Sementsova and Katjariba Hartmann. Negative scope mismatches in coordination. NegLaB’s first annual workshop. Goethe University, Frankfurt. December 17.
With Zahra Mirrazi and Manfred Sailer. Resolving the Neg-raising paradox. NegLaB’s first annual workshop. Goethe University, Frankfurt. December 18.
The Configurational Matrix 2.0. Universal Properties of Natural Language and Georgian as a case study. Oxford University. November 15, 2024
The Configurational Matrix 2.0. Flexible syntax 2024. University of Vienna. November 8
Universal Paradigmatic Gaps. Invited Colloquium talk. Potsdam University. October 29.
Deriving Agree(ment). Invited lecture. Puzzles of Agreement: Syntactic, Semantic, and Psycholinguistic perspectives (online workshop). October 24, 2024.
Off phases: it's all relative(ized). Invited Colloquium talk. SUNY Stony Brook. October 7.
Off phases: it's all relative(ized). Invited Colloquium talk. UConn. October 8.
Features in grammar. Syntax seminar. UConn. October 8.
Pro Drop and the Morphological Structure of Inflection. Syntax circle. MIT. October 17.
Universal Paradigmatic Gaps. Invited Colloquium talk. UMass Amherst. September 13.
Dismantling phasality. Invited Colloquium talk. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. June 12.
Universal Paradigmatic Gaps. Invited Colloquium talk. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. June 4.
Form meaning mismatches and the emergence of syntactic categories and features. Invited lecture. Workshop on Syntactic expletives and (non-)compositionality. Nantes University. May 23.
Universal Paradigmatic Gaps. Keynote lecture. 49th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. February 21-23.
With Yael Greenberg. What is special about special? 24th Amsterdam Colloquium. December 19-20.
With Andreas Bleumel. On the absence of agglutinative root categorizers. BCGL 17: Categories & categorization. KU Leuven University, Brussel. December 12-13.
A non-trivial problem. Semantics and Linguistics Theory (SALT). University of Rochester. May 28-30.
With Olaf Koeneman. Pro Drop and the Morphological Structure of Inflection. LEIBIECOS 2024. Leiden University. May 22 23.
Towards a new theory of case. Invited Colloquium talk. Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel. December 19.
From phasality to Minimality. Humboldt University Berlin. November 13.
Fences and cues in language. University of Geneva. October 17.
On the CP-DP identity. Invited Colloquium talk. Goethe University, Frankfurt. June 6.
What left-right asymmetries may tell us about syntactic structure building. Distinguished Linguist lecture series. The 6th NYI Global Institute of Cultural, Cognitive and Linguistic Studies. January 25.
With Julie Goncharov. A non-trivial problem. Diachronic semantics reading group. February 16.
Reducing (CP) phasality to Minimality effects. Dutch annual linguistics day. February 5.
Reducing (CP) phasality to Minimality effects. Workshop on Locality in Theory, Processing, and Acquisition. University of Pennsylvania. March 31.
·Labeling and feature percolation. Syntax workshop. UMass Amherst. February 11.
Verbal selection: semantically, syntactically or lexically constrained? Workshop on Theoretical approaches to Lexical Constraints. ACLC, University of Amsterdam. March 3.
Left-right asymmetries in grammar. Syntax Interface Lecture series. Utrecht University. May 12.
Absolute vs. relative locality. GGS Conference. University of Stuttgart. May 19.
Language and language learning. 12th International Visible Conference on Educational Studies and Applied Linguistics (VESAL). Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq. May 20-21.
Missing words and missing worlds. Workshop on Modality. Creteling Summerschool. July 27. Rethymnon, Greece.
Re-appreciating domain widening in understanding NPI-hood. Workshop on domain widening. Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv. September 20.
Postsyntactic movement on the LF-side of Grammar: Quantifier Raising applies outside narrow syntax. Dutch annual linguistics day. February 4.
Postsyntactic movement on the LF-side of Grammar: Quantifier Raising applies outside narrow syntax. LSA 2022, Washington DC. January 6-8.
With Zahra Mirrazi. Neg-raising without excluded middle. LSA 2022, Washington DC. January 6-8.
With Zahra Mirrazi. Missing words and missing worlds. Chicago Linguistics Society 2022, Chicago. April 22-24.
With Julie Goncharov. Polarity sensitivity and diagonalization. GLOW 45. QMUY, London. April 26-29.
With Zahra Mirrazi. Missing words and missing worlds. Sinn & Bedeutung 27, Prague. September 15.
With Beste Kamali. Existential Positive Polarity Items and their universal counterparts: the case of Turkish. WAFL. Rocherster, NY. 16. September 30.
Types of Negative Concord Systems. Workshop on Empirical approaches to canonical and non-canonical uses of negation (AG6). Annual DGfS meeting. Universit.t Freiburg. February 24-26.
With Olaf Koeneman. The lack of full pro drop as a consequence of featural overspecification. Penn Linguistics Conference. March 19-21.
Roots aren’t acategorial; they’re supercategorial. WCCFL 39. University of Arizon. April 9-11.
With Thomas McFadden & Sandhya Sundaresan. On certain crosslinguistic variations: Universal fseq vs Gricean reasoning. GLOW 44. April 15-17.
Building Blocks of Language. Abralin Ao Vivo. May 18.
Bi-directional form-meaning mappings: unifying competence with performance. 12th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science. May 19-21.
With Zahra Mirrazi. A non-lexical approach to NEG-RAISING. 12th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science. May 19-21.
The syntax & semantics behind Agree & Move. Move and Agree Forum 2021. UBC/McGill. May 31-June 4.
With Olaf Koeneman. The lack of full pro drop in Germanic as a consequence of featural overspecification. CGSW 35. June 23-25.
With Zahra Mirrazi. A non-lexical approach to NEG-RAISING. IATL 36. Bar Ilan University. July 11-13.
With Zahra Mirrazi. A non-lexical approach to NEG-RAISING. The International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG 2021). Frankfurt University. July 28-30.
With Zahra Mirrazi. Neg-raising with-out lexical excluded middle inferences in English an Farsi. The 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 23). August 11-13.
With Zahra Mirrazi. Neg-raising without excluded middle. Moscow HSE Pragmatics workshop. September 30 – October 1.
With Julie Goncharov. Parasitic sensitivity and uncertainty. Moscow HSE Pragmatics workshop. September 30 – October 1.
A contextual approach to Neg-raising. International Workshop on Negation. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). October 7.
Syntactic Structure Building. Linguistics Colloquium. Yale University. October 25.
With Zahra Mirrazi. A non-lexical approach to NEG-RAISING. CSSP 2021. Paris. December 9-11.
With Julie Goncharov. Parasitic licensing in uncertainty. CSSP 2021. Paris. December 9-11.
With Beste Kamali. Universal NPIs, existential PPIs, and thelandscape of polarity sensitivity. A memorial workshop in honor of Prof. Joanna BÅ‚ aszak. December 11.
With Sascha Alexenyko. (Dis)obeying the head-final filter. WCCFL 38. UBC, Vancouver. March 6-8.
With Thomas McFadden, Sandhya Sundaresan. Adjunct islands and the interplay of theoretical andempirical factors in refining universal claims. Workshop on Empirical consequences of universal claims in grammatical theorizing(AG4). Annual DGfS meeting. Universität Hamburg. March 4-6.
With Julie Goncharov. A semantic account of negative inversion and Horn-clauses. Degree Expressions & Polarity Effects. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. March 9-10.
What forbids deontic epistemic existential PPIs. GLOW 41, workshop on semantic universals.Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. March 31.
With Stefan Keine. Morphology of extraction. GLOW 41. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. April 1-3.
Nominal modification. Grammar & cognition research seminar. University of Amsterdam. September 25.
What forbids deontic epistemic existential PPIs. Semantics & Pragmatics 3. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. International Laboratory for Logic, Language and Formal Philosophy and the School of Linguistics at the
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. October 7-8. -
With Hadil Karawani& Carina Kauf. The asymmetry of fake tense. Semantics & Pragmatics 3. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. International Laboratory for Logic, Language and Formal Philosophy and the School of Linguistics at theNational Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. October 7-8.
With Viviane Déprez. Negation. Linguistic Flash Mob. University of Padua. October 22.
With Olaf Koeneman. Deriving pro drop in a non-paradigmatic approach. Invited colloquium talk. Cambridge University. November 3.
v. Invited colloquium talk. Tel Aviv University. November 5.
A novel approach to pro-drop.Invited colloquium talk. Leiden University. With Olaf Koeneman. December 10.
With Carina Kauf. Rethinking Sequence of Tense. Invited colloquium talk. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. January 16.
With Julie Goncharov, Ivy Sichel, Luka Crnic, Marten Stelling. Licensing Horn clauses. IGG 45. University of Padua. February 21-23.
The landscape of neg-words. 4th Conference of Scientific Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Israel. Universität Hannover. March 4-5.
Grammatical(ized) features and labels. Invited colloquium talk. Hebrew University, Jeruzalem. April 29.
The complex beauty of boundary adverbials: in years and until. Invited colloquium talk. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. April 30.With Tom McFadden, Sandhya Sundaresan & H. Zeijlstra 2019, Deriving selective opacity in adjuncts. GLOW 42. University of Oslo. May 8-10.
With Sascha Alexeyenko. (Dis)obeying the Head-Final-Filter.CCG 29. University of Ciudad Real. May 22-24.
The syntax of negative concord and its consequences of theories of agree(ment). Invited guest lectures. Université de Paris 7, Diderot. July 10-11.With Carina Kauf.Pronominal Tense Semantics and Sequence of Tense – A Unified Account. Sinn & Bedeuting 24. Universität Osnabrück. September 4-6.
Left-right asymmteries in language.ACLC seminar ‘Grammar and Cognition’. University of Amsterdam. September 20
Until’s Janus head.ILLC Express seminar. University of Amsterdam. October 8.
The complex beauty of boundary adverbials: in years and until.Invited colloquium talk. Verona University. October 23.
With Hadil Karawani& Carina Kauf. The asymmetry of fake tense. 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium 2019. Amsterdam, ILLC. December 18-20.
Modal and non-modal NPIs and PPIs. Invited colloquium talk. Universität zu Köln. January 23.
With Carina Kauf. Sequence of Tense Revisited: Explaining the Ambiguity of Past-under-Past Embeddings. Invited colloquium talk. Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Slides
Types of syntactic dependencies. Invited lecture. Workshop on One-to-many relations in morphology, syntax and semantics (AG4). Annual DGfS meeting. Universität Stuttgart. March 7-9.
A unified labeling algorithm for adjuncts and other configurations. Getegra III. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil. March 22-23.
With Carina Kauf. Explaining the Ambiguity of Embedded Past Tense Morphology. GLOW 41.Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. April 10-14.
Mirroring weak and strong NPIs and PPI. Invited lecture. NayFest. University of Maryland, College Park. May 4-5. Slides
With Carina Kauf. Towards a new explanation of Sequence of Tense. SALT 28, MIT. May 18-20.
Principles of Projection. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Konstanz. May 24. Slides
With Sascha Alexeyenko. (Dis)obeying the Head-Final-Filter. Workshop on syntactic microvariation. Invited lecture. Utrecht University. June 7. Slides
Mirroring weak and strong NPIs and PPI. Invited lecture.Workshop on the syntax and semantics of negation. IUSS Pavia. June 13.
Another operation. Invited lecture. Groningen Syntax Workshop. June 17.
With Carina Kauf. Resolving Sequence-of-Tense Ambiguities. Ambigo: Workshop on Ambiguity – Theory, Development. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. July 4-6.
With Daniele Panizza. A minimalist parser. Invited colloquium Talk. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. February 9.
With Gurujegan Murugesan, Louise Raynaud, Sandhya Sundaresan. Binding and Agreement in Icelandic ECM Constructions: From Nominative Reflexives to Pronouns. Anaphora Resolution in Sign and Spoken Languages - Theoretical and Experimental Dimensions (ARISAS). Georg-August-Universität Goettingen. February 20-21.
Projection and feature percolation. Invited colloquium talk. Cambridge University. February 21.
Types of Negative Concord systems. Invited colloquium talk. Cambridge University. February 23.
With Gurujegan Murugesan, Louise Raynaud, Sandhya Sundaresan. Binding and agreement in Icelandic ECM constructions: from nominative reflexives to pronouns. 2017 Debrecen Workshop on Pronouns. University of Debrecen. February 24-25.
Government and Feature Checking. Invited lecture. GLOW 40, special workshop 'What happened to Government?' University of Amsterdam / Meertens Institute. March 18.
On the PPI properties of speech acts and/or certain modals. Invited lecture. Workshop 'Imperatives, Performativity, and Commitment' (IPaC). Leibniz ZAS Berlin. April 21-22. Slides
Strong and weak NPIs & PPIs. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Frankfurt. May 23.
Types of Negative Concord systems. Invited lecture. AICED 19. University of Bucharest. June 8-10.
Two varieties of Korean. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Microvariation. University of Padua. June 22-24.
Neg Raising? Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Frankfurt. July 3.
Strength and locality of polarity-sensitive items. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Stuttgart. July 4.
Two varieties of Korean. Linguistic knowledge and patterns of variation. Meertens Institute, Amsterdam. August 24-25.
Two varieties of Korean. Workshop on semantic microvariation, Sinn & Bedeutung 22. Universität Potsdam / Leibniz-ZAS Berlin. Setember 6. Slides
Two varieties of Korean.Or the ban against rightward head movement. NELS 48. University of Iceland. Reykjavik. October 27-29.
Principles of Projection. Invited colloquium Talk. Utrecht University. October 23.
Labeling: reinstalling 'selection by projection'. Selectionfest. Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin. November 10-11.
Principles of Projection. Invited colloquium Talk. Groningen University. November 30.
With Carina Kauf. Explaining the Ambiguity of Past-Under-Past Embeddings. Amsterdam Colloquium. University of Amsterdam. December 20-22.
Modal Polarity Items. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Konstanz. January 21.
With Olaf Koeneman. The Rich Agreement Redux. Invited lecture. DGfS Workshop on Morphological effects on word order from a typological and a diachronic perspective. Universität Konstanz. February 24-26.
Preliminary Principles of Projection. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Hamburg. June 6.
Contentives or the alleged universal noun-verb distinction: An asymmetric perspective. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. Olomouc, Czech Republic. June 9-11.
Preliminary Principles of Projection. Invited lecture. Workshop on agreement. Goetthe Universität Frankfurt. July 14.
Strong vs Weak NPIs and PPIs. Sinn & Bedeutung 21. Ediburgh University. September 6.
On the locality and strength of NPIs and PPIs. New Ideas in Semantics and Modelling. Paris, EHESS. September 8.
On the locality and the strength of NPI and PPI licensing. Logic in Language and in Conversation. Utrecht. September 19-20.
Explaining FOFC without the LCA. NELS 47. UMass Amherst. October 14-16. Slides
Selection, Agree and features. Invited lecture. Generative Grammatik des Südens. Universität Leipzig. October 20-22.
Modal and non-modal NPIs and PPIs. Invited colloquium Talk. Hebrew University Jerusalem. November 15.
On the syntax of weak and strong polarity items: evidence from English and Dutch. 31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop. Stellenbosch University, South Africa. December 1-3.
Upward Agree. Invited colloquium talk. Universität Potsdam. January 13.
The pluriform landscape of negative dependencies. Jerusalem Workshop on Syntax & Semantics: Negation and Polarity. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. February 8-10.
Uninterpretable features as triggers for movement: differences between language and music. Workshop ‚What drives syntactic computation? Alternatives to formal features’. DGfS Meeting, Universität Leipzig. March 3-5.
Self-anti-licensers: the case of universal quantifier PPIs. Workshop‚ Varieties of positive polarity items. DGfS Meeting, Universität Leipzig. March 3-5.
With Viola Schmitt. An even weaker theory of number. Workshop ‚proportions and quantities.’ DGfS Meeting, Universität Leipzig. March 3-5.
No movement in music: a reply to Katz & Pesetsky (2011). WCCFL 33, Simon-Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. March 27-29.
With Bronwyn Bjorkman. Upward Agree is Superior. WCCFL 33, Simon-Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. March 27-29.
Formal features and the triggers of syntactic movement. Invited lecture. Syntax Interfaces lectures. UiL OTS, Utrecht. April 13.
The pluriform landscape of negative dependencies. Invited colloquium talk. Institute for Cognitive Science. Universität Osnabrück. April 24.
Left and right: explaining FOFC and the left position of specifiers without the LCA. Cambridge Comparative Syntax 4. Cambridge University. May 7-9.
Merge, movement and music. Invited colloquium talk. Meertens Institute, Amsterdam. June 25.
Upward Agree 2.0. Invited colloquium colloquium Talk. Universität Leipzig. July 2.
With Sabine Iatridou. If Diachronically. 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Workshop on Patterns and Models of Semantics Change. Naples. July 27-31.
With Jing Lin. What language acquisition tells us about the nature of NPIs: The case of Dutch hoeven 'need'. 12th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 12). University Nantes. September 10-12.
More on types of iF/uF-agreement. Sinn & Bedeutung 20. Universität Tübingen. September 11-13.
With Jing Lin and Fred Weerman. Acquisition as a window on the nature of NPIs. Sinn & Bedeutung 20. Universität Tübingen. September 11-13.
NEG Raising is not syntactic reconstruction: a reply to Collins & Postal 2014. Invited lecture. Spirit Summerschool on negation. Göttingen. September 14-19.
Explaining FOFC without the LCA. IATL 31, Bir Ilan University. October 13-14.
Formal features and the triggers of syntactic movement. Invited Skype talk. IIT Delhi, India. November 15.
Modal Polarity Items. Invited lecture. Modality across categories. UPF, Barcelona. November 5-6.
NEG Raising is not syntactic reconstruction: a reply to Collins & Postal 2014. Amsterdam Colloquium 2015. University of Amsterdam. December 16-18.
NPIs and PPIs: The landscape extended. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität zu Köln. January 15.
Upward agree is superior. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Leipzig. January 22.
Upward agree is superior. Agreement 2014. GETEGRA international thematic workshop. Recife, Brazil. February 6-7.
Universal Quantifier NPIs and PPIs: Evidence for a convergent view on the landscape of polarity-sensitive elements. Invited lecture. MIT LingLunch. February 27.
Upward agree is superior. Invited colloquium Talk. UConn, Storrs CT. March 4.
Divergence or convergence? Understanding the landscape of NPIs and PPIs. Invited lecture. Workshop on negation. Universität Wien. April 8.
Formal features. Invited colloquium Talk. Universität Wien. April 11.
Negation, polarity, modality. Invited lecture series at Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. April 28-29.
A convergent view on the landscape of polarity-sensitive elements. Invited colloquium Talk. Goethe-University Frankfurt. May 12.
Merge, morphology, music. GLOW in Asia. National Tsing Hua University, Tapei, Taiwan. May 24-26.
Upward Agree is superior. Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium. Olomouc, Czech Republic. June 5-7.
With S. Iatridou. Constant’s observation. Invited lecture. Workshop on formal semantics (at the occasion of Hadil Karawani’s PhD defence). University of Amsterdam. June 17.
The landscape of (universal) NPIs and PPIs. Invited colloquium Talk. ZAS, Berlin. July 17.
With Sabine Iatridou. If, diachronically. 6th Diachronic Generative Syntax conference to be held in Budapest, Hungary. July 3-5.
Upward vs Downward Agree. Invited colloquium Talk. Goethe Universität Frankfurt. November 25
Grammatical Building blocks. Invited colloquium Talk. Institute for Cognitive Science. Universität Osnabrück. December 3.
Types of negative dependencies. Invited lecture. Workshop on Negation: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. UA Barcelona. December 18-19.
Features and feature asymmetries. Invited lecture. Pronouns and perspective in language and literature, NIAS Wassenaar. January 16-17.
Upward agree is superior. TiN Day, Utrecht. February 9.
With Jing Lin and Fred Weerman. Same strategy, distinct pathways: explaining the learnability of NPIs and their strengths. 39th IGG, Modena, Italy. February 21-23.
Universal NPIs and PPIs. Keynote lecture. The 14th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba, Poland. March 1.
What does the absence of subordinate clauses tell us about grammar? Invited lecture. SMART Cognitive Science Debate on Language, Recursion and Cognition, University of Amsterdam. April 26.
With Jing Lin and Fred Weerman. Emerging NPIs. Semantics and Philosophy in Europe. St Petersburg, Russia. June 10-14.
With Jing Lin. On the emergence of NPIs: Why frequency is not enough. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition. University of Oldenburg. September 5-7.
With Jing Lin and Fred Weerman. Emerging NPIs. IATL 29, Jerusalem. October 6-7.
With Hadil Karawani. If you want a future, darling, why don’t you get a past? IATL 29, Jerusalem. October 6-7.
Syntactic vs semantic features. Invited lecture. U4 network workshop ‚New Approaches to the Syntax/Semantics Interface’, December 12.
Universal quantifier PPIs. 19th Amsterdam Colloquium. December 18-20.
With Olaf Koeneman. Syntactic change and morpho-semantic mismatches: an argument from argumenthood. Workshop on language change and the syntax semnatics interface. DGfS, Frankfurt am Mainz. March 6-9.
The rich agreement hypothesis rehabilitated. Invited colloquium talk. USC. April 30.
Modal NPIs and PPIs. Invited colloquium talk.UCLA. April 27.
What is right to say a bout light negation? Semantics and Linguistics Theory (SALT), University of Chicago. May 18-20.
With Shigeru Miyagawa and Nobuaki Nishioka. Negative dependencies in Japanese. Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 8). Stuttgart. May 18-20.
Negative universals: understanding the nall problem. 3rd World Conference on the Square of Opposition. American University. Beirut, Libanon. June 26-30.
Universal quantifiers and NPIs/PPIs. Invited colloquium talk. Leiden University, November 13.
How to Agree? Invited colloquium talk. Universität Frankfurt. January 12.
With Ana Aguilar Guevara, Maria Aloni, Angelika Port, Radek Simik, Machteld de Vos and H Zeijlstra. ‘Semantics and pragmatics of indefinites: methodology for a synchronic and diachronic corpus study’ Workshop Beyond Semantics (part of DGfS meeting). G.A. Universität Göttingen. February 27-28.
Nalle Wörter werden Brüder. GLOW 33. University of Vienna. April 28-30.
With Olaf Koeneman. One law for the rich and another for the poor. Invited colloquium talk. University of Lund. May 5.
On interpretable and uninterpretable features. Invited colloquium talk. University of Tromso. May 12
One law for the rich and another for the poor. Invited job talk. Universität Göttingen. May 31.
With Theresa Biberauer. Inherent instability and spontaneous change: an Afrikaans case study. Colloque de Syntax et de Sémantique à Paris. Université de Paris XIII. September 29 – October 1.
On the uninterpretability of interpretable features. Workshop ‘The Minimalist Program: Quo Vadis? - Newborn, Reborn, or Stillborn?’ University of Potsdam. October 3-6.On Agree. 50 years of linguistics at MIT. A scientific Reunion.MIT. December 8-10.
Negation, polarity and modality. Invited lecture. Linguistic lunch. MIT. December.
Nall quantifiers nand connectives can be negated. 35th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. University of Milano-Bicocca. February 25-27.
One way to Agree. The XXth Colloquium on Generative Grammar. Universitat Pomopeu Fabra, Barcelona. March 18-20.
There is only one way to Agree. GLOW 33. University of Wrocław. April 14-16.
There is only one way to agree. Invited colloquium talk. G.A. Universität Göttingen. April 27.
Weak isn't strong enough: resurrecting the Rich Agreement Hypthesis. Invited lecture. Cambridge & QMUL Workshop on phi-agreement. May 25.
Let's talk about you and me. Workshop 'Between you and me': local pronouns across modalities. Radboud University Nijmegen. June 7-8.
With Theresa Biberauer, Cecilia Poletto & Helmut Weiss. Invited lecture. Mesocomparative syntax of negative doubling. 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting BasDiSyn, Donosta/San Sebastián. June 21-23.
With Hadil Karawani. The semantic contribution of the past morpheme in Palestinian Arabic. Workshop on Tense and Aspect. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. July 1.
With Sabine Iatridou. Modals, negation and polarity. GLOW Asia 8. Beijing Language and Culture University. August 12-16.
With Olaf Koeneman. Weak isn't strong enough: resurrecting the Rich Agreement Hypothesis. 12th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Konkuk University, Seoul. August 17-20.
With Sabine Iatridou. Modals, negation and polarity. Sinn & Bedeutung 15. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken. September 10-12.
Negation and deontic modals: Dutch between English and German. A Germanic Sandwich 2010: Dutch between English and German. C.O. Universität Oldenburg. September 17-18.
On Agree. Invited colloquium talk. Leiden University. November 11.
Negation, modality and polarity. Invited colloquium talk. Université de Genève.
Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Invited lecture. Harvard University. February 10.
With Theresa Biberauer. Negative Concord In Afrikaans: In Search Of The Missing Language. Berkely Linguistics Society 35. February 14-16.
On French negation. Berkely Linguistics Society 35. February 14-16.
A formal approach to understanding redundancy. Invited colloquium talk. Stanford University. February 19.
With Denice Goddard. On the origin of VO in Berbice Dutch Creole. 35th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. University of Siena. February 26-28.
Pas de problème. Invited brown bag talk, New York University. March 6.
On French Negation. Invited lecture. LF Reading group, MIT. March 18.
Creole evidence against VO default status. Invited lecture. Seminar on bilingualism, MIT. April 2.
On the origin of Berbice Dutch VO. Invited colloquium talk. MIT. April 17.
On the seemingly illogical behavior of negation in natural language. Invited colloquium talk. Yale University. April 20.
With Denice Goddard. A non-universalist approach to Berbice Dutch. Language Change: grammaticalization and beyond. University of Ulster at Jordanstown. April 24-25.
With Theresa Biberauer. Microvariation in Afrikaans negation: filling a typological gap. Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 20. HU Brussels. May 28-29.
With Denice Goddard. On the origin of VO in Berbice Dutch Creole. Diachronic Generative Syntax 11. University of Campinas, Brazil. July 22-24.
With Theresa Biberauer. Negative changes: a parametric account of the diachrony of Afrikaans negation. Diachronic Generative Syntax 11. University of Campinas, Brazil. July 22-24.
With Denice Goddard. How Berbice Dutch became VO. The XIXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Radboud University Nijmegen. August 10-15.
With Sabine Iatridou. On the scopal interaction of negation and deontic modals: revealing a mystery. IATL 25. Ben Gurion University of the Negev. October 12-13.
One way to Agree. IIATL 25.Ben Gurion University of the Negev. October 12-13.
With Sabine Iatridou. On the scopal interaction of negation and deontic modals. Amsterdam Colloquium 2009. December 16-18.
Hard and soft conditions in grammar. Interface theories: the filtering of the output of the generator. Descriptive and Explanatory Adequacy in Linguistics (DEAL) II. Leiden University. February 23.
Parameters are epiphenomena of grammatical architecture. Foundations of Language Comparison: Human Universals as Constraints on Language Diversity. DGfS 2008 AG 2. Bamberg University. February 28.
With Suzanne Aalberse. The semantic (un)markedness of pronominal features. Workshop on Markedness and Underspecification in the Morphology and Semantics of Agreement (MUMSA). Harvard University. March 1.
With Arnim von Stechow. How to agree? Brussels Conference on Gerative Linguistics 3. Katholic University Brussels. May 21-23.
Not in the first place. 23rd Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop. University of Edinburgh. June 12-13.
Negation and grammaticalisation: the case of French pas. 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18). Seoul, Korea. July 21-26.
On the semantics and pragmatics of pronominal features. 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18). Seoul, Korea. July 21-26.
The subatomic particles of language. Workshop on syntactic parameters. 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18). Seoul, Korea. July 21-26.
Don’t start with a negation. Invited lecture. Sarajevo Linguistics Gathering. October 5-6.
One way to agree. Invited colloquium Talk. Cambridge University. October 21.
Reverse Agree? Reverse Boskovic! Invited colloquium talk. Universität Wien. October 23.
Negation in Afrikaans: filling the typological gap. NELS 39. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY, November 7-9.
Funny negation in even more funny languages. Invited lecture. E.K. Universität Tübingen. December 4.
Underspecification or the flexible boundary between semantic and pragmatic modes of interpretation. Invited lecture. E.K. Universität Tübingen. December 5.
Pas de problème. Going Romance 2008. Groningen University. December 11-12.
The Stimulus of Poverty. Syntax/Semantics Colloquium. Invited colloquium talk. Utrecht Institute for Linguistics UiL OTS. January 24.
Doubling, Dislocation and Interpretability. Invited lecture. Syntax Circle. Meertens Institute. January 31.
The Physics of Natural Language. Invited colloquium talk. Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication. University of Amsterdam. February 16.
How Revising the Strongest Minimalist Thesis Constitutes Parametric Variation. Biolinguistic Investigations. Santo Domingo, D.R. February 23-25.
What syntax tells us about negation and what negation tells us about syntax. Invited lecture. Workshop on Negation and Polarity. E.K. Universität Tübingen. March 8.
A matter of agreement. Invited colloquium talk. Linguistics department. University of Nantes. March 28.
The meaning of multiple modals. Journées Sémantique & Modélisation 2007. CNRS Paris. March 30-31
Modal auxiliaries are empty. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 17. University of Connecticut. May 11-13.
Why uninterpretable features? Colloquium talk. Invited colloquium talk. Cambridge University. June 7.
Grammaticalisation and Economy. Invited lecture. Workshop on Language Change. University of Amsterdam. November 1.
Emphatic multiple negation in substandard Dutch. Poster presentation. International conference on linguistic evidence. E.K. University of Tübingen. February 2-4.
With Doris Penka. Typological implications as linguistic evidence. Poster presentation. International conference on linguistic evidence. E.K. University of Tübingen. February 2-4.
Language Change: Shifting Complexity. Szklarska Poreba Workshop on semantics, pragmatics and experimental philosophy. Szklarska Poreba, Poland. March 3-5.
Negative Doubling in Dutch. Workshop on syntactic doubling in European dialects. Meertens Institute, Amsterdam. March 16-18.
A theory of negation. Linguistics department. Invited colloquium talk. Stanford University. March 30.
Negative Doubling in Non-Negative Concord languages. 21st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop. University of California at Santa Cruz. April 1-2.
The syntactic status of adverbials. Workshop on adjuncts/modifiers. GLOW 29. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. April 5-8.
Functional structure and parametric variation: consequences of conflicting interface conditions. Workshop on InterPhases. University of Cyprus, Nikosia. May 16-18.
Diachronic change and constant complexity. 9th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DIGS 9). University of Trieste. June 8-10.
UG: Universal Grammaticalisation. Invited colloquium talk. Linguistics department. University of Venice. June 13.
Double or Nothing! Invited colloquium talk. E.K. Universität Tübingen. June 19.
With Doris Penka. Negation and Functional Categories. Invited colloquium talk. E.K. Universität Tübingen. July 3.
Preverbal Negation. Invited colloquium talk. Universität Leipzig. July 14.
With Paul Dekker. Concord Phenomena at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Invited lecture. Workshop on Concord Phenomena at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. 18th European Summerschool in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI). University of Malaga. August 7-11.
Doubling, redundancy and the derived status of parameters. Invited colloquium talk. Semantics Colloquium. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. October 3.
Not in the first place. Invited lecture. Workshop on negation. University of Brabant. October 20.
The meaning of being meaningless. Invited colloquium talk. Universität Wien. October 26.
Syntactic Change and Economy. Invited lecture. Seminar für diachrone Sprachwissenschaft. Universität Wien. October 27.
Negative Quantifiers in modal constructions. Invited lecture. ACLC/ILLC Workshop on Modality. University of Amsterdam. February 18.
The diachronic development of negation and Negative Concord in Dutch. Invited colloquium talk. Humboldt University Berlin. March 1.
Negative Concord as syntactic agreement. Electronic Poster. Workshop ‘Polarity from Different Perspectives.’ NYU. March 11-13.
With Doris Penka. Negative Indefinites in Germanic. 20th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop. University of Tilburg. June 10-11.
Deriving parameters: on the syntactic flexibility of functional categories. Workshop ‘The structure of parametric variation.’ University of Newcastle. September 5-7.
With Arnim von Stechow. Why functional categories are syntactically flexible. Sixth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language Logic and Computation. Batumi. September 12-16.
The Ban on True Negative Imperatives. Colloque de Syntax et de Sémantique à Paris. Université de Paris XII. September 29 – October 1.
With Arnim von Stechow. How Semantics Dictates the Syntactic Vocabulary. Sinn & Bedeutung 10. ZAS / Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. October 13-15.
Don’t negate imperatives! Or: imperatives and the syntax of negative markers. Sinn & Bedeutung 10. ZAS / Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. October 13-15.
Issues in the study of negation. Invited lecture. Seminar on negation and polarity. University of Chicago. October 26.
Syntactically flexible functional categories. Poster presentation. NELS 36. University of Massachusetts at Amherst. October 28-30.
Negative imperatives and the distinction between Strict vs. Non-strict Negative Concord languages. Invited lecture. Workshop on imperatives. ZAS Berlin. November 25.
